Ini-1: Indira Ranamagar, en af Asiens mest anerkendte socialentreprenører. Arbejder primært i Kathmandu. Aktiviteten er fokuseret omkring maduddeling til nødstedte i KTM
Ini-2: SEIT, Social Eco-Innovative Trust (, Amit Shah and Guru Prashant. Food, PPE’s and medical aid in Dhanusha, also counseling and performing PCR-tests. Target group consists of 1000 families in Dhanusha. Received two oxygen concentrators from FAN/Rotary collaboration (cf. Ini-16).
Ini-4: NIC, National Innovation Center (, Mahabir Pun, Sunil Banya. Part of activity outsourced to the NIC spin-off company SparkTech Engineering, doing voluntary work for NIC. Several remote locations will be reached, details still pending. First action reached out to Tatey Healthpost, Budhiganga Municiplity, Bajura, and brought Oxygen Concentrators, PPE, and other equipment. Photos received can be seen here. Received two oxygen concentrators from FAN/Rotary collaboration (cf. Ini-16).
Ini-5: NIC, National Innovation Center (, Mahabir Pun. Aim: Increase the production of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) at NIC. Decision pending (as funding from US-donors may be sufficient).
Ini-6: Gurbaba FM radio station, Ekraj Chaudhari. Awareness Campaign for Corona Epidemic. Involving 8 radio stations, reaching out to 185 villages in Bardya, a population of 150.000. Special feature: Addresses the Tharu ethnic group in their own language. An anonymous Danish foundation is sponsoring the project.
Ini-7: Dang cooperative. Neighbouring district to that of Ini-6 with mainly Tharu population. Activity here is focused on equipment for 3 isolation centres, support for C-19 hit families, food for the poor. Photos from activity are found here.
Ini-9: A dedicated trekking guide organized a group of volunteers in Bhimsen Thapa Rural Municipality and collaborates with the municipality to provide food for vulnerable families, equipment at Tandrang Health post and to support mobile medical teams. Received two oxygen concentrators from FAN/Rotary collaboration (cf. Ini-16). Read how difficult communication can be in remote areas. Se billeder her. Link til den lokale radiostations hjemmeside her.
Ini-10: Indirekte støtte til ActionAid/Nepal via ActionAid/Denmark, alias MS, Mellemfolkeligt samvirke. Teknisk udstyr (Oxygen især) til flere centre. Her er link til rapport om initiativet. Bemærk, at initiativet skal ses i relation til mere omfattende aktiviteter planlagt af MS’s nepalesiske samarbejdspartner Action Aid/Nepal.
Ini-11: “Strengthening Covid-19 Care in Rural Nepal”, et stærkt lægefagligt project udgående fra det kendte Dhulikhel Hospital nær KTM, der gennem projektet rækker ud til 18 fjerne centre i ni forskellige distrikter.
Ini-12: Gennem Nepal Development Society, der bl.a. står for renovation flere steder i Nepal, rækker dette initiativ ud til renovationsarbejderne i fem store byer i Nepal. Deres arbejde er særlig vigtigt under epidemien, og de er særligt udsatte. En kontakt i UNDP/Nepal har formidlet dette projekt. Vi har fået en mail med rapport fra initiativet.
Ini-13: Gennem en handicaporganisation (NIDWAN) ydes hjælp vedrørende medicin, Covid-19 hjælp, sanitet og madvarer til to grupper af handikappede kvinder og unge piger, dels i Provins 2 (Terai), dels nær Kathmandu. I alt ca. 80 kvinder med familier omfattes af hjælpen. Se billeder fra initiativet i Provins 2 her.
Ini-14: Mangesidigt projekt fra opmærksomhedsskabende til aflevering af Covid-19 patienter ved et hospital i tæt samarbejde med de kommunale myndigheder i Nilakantha kommune i Dhading. Inkluderer telemedicin mv. Rækker ud til 250.000 mennesker (heraf 100.000 mere direkte) over 14 afdelinger (”wards”). Received two oxygen concentrators from FAN/Rotary collaboration (cf. Ini-16). Se billeder og en rapport her.
Ini-15: Større initiativ udgående fra UNDP/Nepal og involverende sundhedsmyndighederne i Nepal, er i dvale og afventer en mulig aktivering i forbindelse med forberedelserne til imødegåelse af en tredie Covid-19 bølge (se under Ini-16).
Ini-16: An a-typical initiative: Collaboration between FAN – mainly through the member organization “Himalayan Project” – and Rotary, conducted by Rotary Club of Kathmandu. A number – 54 – 10 l/min oxygen concentrators have so far been bought in China and distributed to health posts in Nepal, ten of them to FAN-initiatives (no. 2,4,9,14,25). The scheme will be extended, depending on incoming donations in July, August, September and October, by buying a substantial amount of concentrators in late summer/autumn and distributing them and possibly other medico-technical equipment among health posts and district hospitals all over Nepal. This will contribute to prepare Nepal for an eventual third wave of Covid-19 which could arrive shortly, the experts fear. Information about places in need of Oxygen concentrators to combat the expected third wave can be sent to FAN spokesperson Please also consult information in red at the opening page.
Ini-17: A project of HPF/Nepal (Human Practice Foundation). Covid-19 Detection and Treatment at Taplejung District Hospital and at eight rural municipalities, implementation of public intervention programs to control pandemics, locally. Special focus of this initiative is that it concerns technical needs and abilities at rural centres with some but limited access to medical expertice.
Ini-19: BETTER CHITWAN: “SATHI” (friends): Help to vulnerable children and families with relief and support in seven municipalities of Chitwan. Focus on exposed children, aged 0-9, as no special care for them is available. Treating fear and distress. Medical support, psycho-social rehabilitation.
Ini-20: BYAN, Blind Youth Association Nepal: “Reaching the unreached”, Provinces 1,3,5. Focus on the blind and partially sighted youths; special awareness activities via radio; learning to be safe; information about vaccines; receive and learn to use safety kits.
Ini-22: Ujyaalo Lalteen Foundation (Helping Hands). Emergency food support to avoid starvation and further indebtedness (due to fall out of wages), Devdaha and Sunwall Municipalities. Collaborates with ”Skoleliv I Nepal”.
Ini-24: Et lokalt initiativ i Ramsgram Kommune, Nawalparasi, til støtte for den udsatte lavkaste befolkning, der er værst ramt af Covid-19. Som for mange andre initiativer truer hungersnød, og selvom det måske ikke er primær katastrofehjælp, går en del af støtten til madvarer, hvor vi lægger hovedvægt på det helt basale, ris. Støtten går også til sundheds-og sanitetspakker (sæbe, masker mv).
Ini-25: Medico.technical equipment for Dhunabesi Municipality near KTM which is somehow badly neglected. Involves Oxygen cylinder, regulator, nebulizer etc. Received two oxygen concentrators from FAN/Rotary collaboration (cf. Ini-16).
Ini-26: Initiative of Shanta Samaj Nepal, an NGO directed at aid for lower class people, orphans and disabled people, here with a limited 10-day food distribution effort near Kathmandu (Maligaun, Kalopool region). See video from food distribution here.
Ini-28: Food Relief Programme directed at dalits and Tharus in Devdaha Municipality by Soiya Mahila Swabhalambi Sanstha in collaboration with a local secondary school.
Ini-29: Emergency response directed at Western Regional Hospital and its patients in Pokhara and Kaski Rural Municipality. Organized by Butterfly Foundation Nepal in collaboration with the hospital. See report and photoes here.
Ini-30: Distribution of PPE-equipment in Rukum East organized by Human Development Center, Lumbini, with a group of young professionals within the health sector. Given extra support, the group will also attend to people affected psychologically by the Covid-19 crisis.
Ini-31: Food, sanitary and medical supplies is delivered to 205 marginalized semi-nomadic families belonging to one of Nepals most underprivileged indigenous groups, the Chepangs. The group in question lives in Chitwan, Rapti Municipality, the remote village Kanda, still not generally accessible by road. A special plan to assist children housed by the organization depends on extra resources.
Ini-34: Food, for the poor in Pokhara